"What time is it now? I say to you: eternity now."
--Wavy Gravy
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Sketchings by JERRY GARCIA, student artist
Jerry was a natural born artist and musician, and would create "comic books" like this one.
He describes three ways to smoke:
The Blunt, he calls a "Mind - Miner"
The Joint, he describes as a "Brain strainer" &
The Pipe, a "Heap swiper"
When we get permission from the Jerry Garcia estate, we will publish some of this art work.
GRATEFul dead
"And I call her 420"
Photo: Jay Blakesberg
Robert Hunter & Jerry Garcia
It is the dawn of Christmas eve. Robert Hunter, and his band Comfort, are the opening act for the Jerry Garcia Band at the Keystone in Palo Alto. After the Garcia Band set, about thirty people crowd into a small room backstage. Robert Hunter turns to Jerry Garcia and says, "Hey man, you sounded great tonight!" "You sounded really good yourself" Garcia says back at him. "Did you hear 'Roses'? and breaks into the song before he can answer. "....She had ribbons, ribbons, ribbons in her long brown hair..." He repeats his question to Garcia and continues the song a cappella..."I don't know, maybe it was the roses, All I know is I could not leave her there....." Donna Jean sang this song on stage with Hunter and his band tonight, a very special moment, and Hunter's voice rings through the room with sweet clarity.
"Did you notice all the old hipsters out there tonight?" Hunter asks. Garcia agrees, "Yeah, especially the 35-40 group."
"You got any smokes, man?" Hunter asks me. He signals me he's looking for a cigarette and I give him a hand rolled one, but no tobacco. "It's the best of this year's crop" I tell him. He looks at it like an alien would, holds it, studies it, lights it. "This stuff, heh! The funny stuff." He exhales and says "OK, what the hell" and takes another toke and passes it to Garcia who mimics Hunter, and they're both hilarious. Garcia tokes, "Goofitus!" and another "Smoketitus!" and passes it along to Donna Jean. "And I call her 420."
I notice singer Donna Jean in the corner surrounded by people talking to her. When Jerry Garcia passes the joint to her, she holds it a long time without taking a toke. I wait, and capture a glance of her, and she hands me the roach, and I give her the four leaf clover in the flowerpot I’m holding, and share with her Kaela's story. On the eve of the winter solstice, a few days before, I'm with Kaela in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco when I find a four leaf clover. Kaela, age five, goes into the bushes and comes out with a digging tool. We cut it out of the ground and repot it at home. Kaela asks me to give the four leaf clover to Donna. "Were you looking for it when you found it?" asks singer Maria Muldaur. I told her I found one when I was ten years old, and searched for years after that, but running in The Park I stumbled upon this one. "I been looking for one for a long time" Maria says.
World Ambassador for Reggae Music
"Give thanks and
praise to the Lord and I will feel all right;
Let's get together and feel all right.
Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right;
Let's get together and feel all right."
Excerpt from the album EXODUS by Bob Marley named by TIME magazine as the greatest album of the twentieth century.
Remembering bob marley
by Uncle John
Meeting Bob Marley is a special and profound experience. The night before I had performed his song "No Woman No Cry" at The Sweetwater in Mill Valley, California, with guitarist Gary Sangervasi. Gary is one of the best reggae sound and rock players I know. I met him when I taught high school poetry in San Francisco and he was one of my students. Gary comes with me to Solomon's Tower in San Francisco where we meet Bob Marley. Marley's music plays in the background of the record store. Bob's hips are swaying in rhythm to the music. There's more to his presence than his dreadlocks, being a man of creative passion with a genuine outpouring of love. He captivates my attention & there is a deep spiritual seeking in his eyes, and the graceful motion of his hips, and in his simple smile there is peace about him, even though he has cancer.
Bob is dancing in front of me and Gary, and writes a note and hands it to me:
Bob Marley's inceptive spiritual orientation is as a Christian, and he performs Biblical songs like "The Lord Will Make A Way". Influenced by Ethiopian illustrations of a dreadlocks Jesus, and incited by Rastaman Mortimo Pianno, Marley recorded an obscure first record, adapting the doo-wop hit "Crying In the Chapel" and changing it to "Selassie In the Chapel". The soul searcher who's early acoustic gem "Pray For Me" saw himself as a soul singer in the genre of rhythm and blues, and inspired by the ska vibration and tempo, and African-Jamaican folk drumming, a new unique soulish sound called reggae is born.
In Ethiopia, 1930, RasTafari Makonnen, became "His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie, king of kings, lord of lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah", from the house of David and claims his lineage with King Solomon and Queen Sheba, the 225th restorer of the Solomon dynasty, a throne 3000 years old, the throne of God on earth, promised by God to endure as long as the sun and moon.
"Once for all, I have sworn by my holiness - and I will not lie to David - that his line will continue forever and his throne endure before me like the sun; it will be established forever like the moon, the faithful witness in the sky." (Psalm 89:36-37). Some consider him the promised messiah. They quote Jeremiah 23:1-8 to justify their belief that the scattered flock of Africans would be righteously restored, and his followers look to him and call themselves "Rastafarians". They believe Jesus looks like them. In the climate where Jesus grew up his skin was tan dark, his hair long. They wear a mane of dreadlocks, the ultimate symbol of their independence from Babylon. Reggae music is their conscious vessel to spread their message. They say they are faithful to living life according to the Bible. They adhere to a principled code. They study the Bible from an Afro-centrist view. They read of Moses marriage to an Ethiopian woman, and how Christ's apostle Philip baptized an Ethiopian Jew on his way to Jerusalem (Acts 8:26-40). They begin to see themselves as a remnant to be recovered.
Jeremiah 23 also cautions about false prophets and deceit in the heart. The Bible also warns us about idolatry, and idol worship as irrational, degrading, demonic, defiling, enslaving, and abominable. Idols can be anyone or anything, whatever elevates itself equal to or above God, in whatever form the object of worship takes.
Emperor Selassie made a historic visit to Jamaica in 1966, and for the first time saw people, Rastafarians, worshipping him as God. The emperor, a true Ethiopian orthodox Christian, was deeply dismayed. In Kingston, at a news conference, he tried to dispel the myth, that they might renounce their idolizing him as a Divine human. RasTafari said: "I am a man, and man cannot worship man."
Bob Marley is an international icon, but his pursuit of God is genuine and no one can deter him from this true path. Seven months before he passes away from cancer at the age of 36, he renounces the Divinity of Selassie and is baptized into the Ethiopian Orthodox church. The Archbishop christens him in the chapel with a new name, "Berhane Selassie", meaning "light of the Trinity". He hugs his family and they weep together for about a half an hour that day. On his dying day, His final words to his son Ziggy were "Money can´t buy life." Bob stretches out his hand and his last words are "Jesus, take me".
The I-70 road 420 mile marker through Denver has been stolen so many times it's been replaced with Mile Marker 419.99
Roger McNamee, musician (Moonalice) @ SF Giants game
God said:
"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth..."
Genesis 1:29 Old Testament
God says he will allow in heaven what we decide to allow here on earth. We need to look at reclassifying marijuana as a federal law. It’s listed now to be as dangerous as other severe addictive drugs, with no medicinal value, enabling a criminal element around it to exist. It should be regulated by some government bureau and seen as a great source of fiscal revenue.
What do we read in the Bible to help us understand marijuana? In the first chapter of the Bible, The Lord tells us & gives us every herb bearing seed and calls it very good. Come listen, weigh carefully, examine deeply, and hear what the Spirit of God has to say.
The Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church, the United Methodist Church, the United Church of Christ, Union for Reform Judaism, and a progressive National Baptist Convention have all endorsed medical marijuana, for compassionate legitimate medicinal purposes, urging federal legislation that will allow legal access to medical marijuana for serious patients. A Catholic nun, Sister Mary Etienne Tibeau, has done wonderful research with sinsemilla cannabis plants. Israel is the leading country, the cutting edge of medical cannabis research and innovation. A majority of Americans endorse the idea of doctors prescribing marijuana when appropriate.
Marijuana should be readily available as a medicine for all, especially senior citizens. It acts as compassionate care for them to reduce stress and manage pain in their lives. Seniors aging, many with arthritis, multiple sclerosis, cancer or diabetes, insomnia or depression, are all helped by marijuana, and according to a medical column in the Albany N.Y. Times Union, there's been a discovery that marijuana can help Alzheimer patients.
Several decades ago, Brown of San Francisco (not Da Mayor) and I were smoking grass near Baker Beach when General Freeman approaches us. "Cannabis has essentially the same mineral requirements as hops, and is useful for many healing purposes," I said. "This is U.S. Army property," the General cautions us, and offers his identification with a smile.
Legalizing marijuana can help us be better thinkers, reduce overcrowded jails, and relieve the burden of the Court system. It will create new jobs, cut off money going to an underground economy, and bring in much needed revenue from taxes, that could help pay off the national debt. Continuing to classify this as a Schedule 1 agent with no medical use is a falsification that perpetuates needless problems. It needs the federal government to make this change. They have already made an exception to this rule in July, 2010 when a new federal directive, from the Veteran Affairs Department, allows the use of medical marijuana for veterans in states where it is medically legal. An immediate change to this false classification is needed to allow BANKING freely in all states where marijuana has already been declared legal. This conflict needs to be addressed by our government, reclassifying this drug so its medicinal benefits can be of legal use & a help to many.
--Uncle John
"WHATEVER you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you allow on earth will be allowed in heaven."
Matthew 16:19 New Testament
by Ryan Grim
This piece was first published on April 20, 2010. updated April 21, 2017 Excerpted here:
It had nothing to do with a police code — though the San Rafael part is dead on. Indeed, a group of five San Rafael High School friends known as the Waldos - by virtue of their chosen hang-out spot, a wall outside the school - coined the term in 1971. The Huffington Post spoke with Waldo Steve, Waldo Dave and Dave’s older brother, Patrick, and confirmed their full names and identities, which they asked to keep secret for professional reasons.
The Waldos never envisioned that pot smokers the world over would celebrate each April 20th as a result of their foray into the Point Reyes forest.
Students and locals will show up at round four, light up at 4:20 and be gone shortly thereafter. No bands, no speakers, no chants. Just a bunch of people getting together and getting stoned.
The code often creeps into popular culture and mainstream settings.
The code pops up in Craig’s List postings when fellow smokers search for “420 friendly” roommates. “It’s just a vaguer way of saying it and it kind of makes it kind of cool,” says Bloom. “Like, you know you’re in the know, but that does show you how it’s in the mainstream.”
The Waldos do have proof, however, that they used the term in the early ‘70s in the form of an old 420 flag and numerous letters with 420 references and early ‘70s post marks. They also have a story.
It goes like this: One day in the Fall of 1971 - harvest time - the Waldos got word of a Coast Guard service member who could no longer tend his plot of marijuana plants near the Point Reyes Peninsula Coast Guard station. A treasure map in hand, the Waldos decided to pluck some of this free bud.
The Waldos were all athletes and agreed to meet at the statue of Louis Pasteur outside the school at 4:20, after practice, to begin the hunt.
“We would remind each other in the hallways we were supposed to meet up at 4:20. It originally started out 4:20-Louis and we eventually dropped the Louis,” Waldo Steve tells the Huffington Post.
The first forays out were unsuccessful, but the group kept looking for the hidden crop. “We’d meet at 4:20 and get in my old ‘66 Chevy Impala and, of course, we’d smoke instantly and smoke all the way out to Pt. Reyes and smoke the entire time we were out there. We did it week after week,” says Steve. “We never actually found the patch.”
But they did find a useful codeword. “I could say to one of my friends, I’d go, 420, and it was telepathic. He would know if I was saying, ‘Hey, do you wanna go smoke some?’ Or, ‘Do you have any?’ Or, ‘Are you stoned right now?’ It was kind of telepathic just from the way you said it,” Steve says. “Our teachers didn’t know what we were talking about. Our parents didn’t know what we were talking about.”
It’s one thing to identify the origin of the term. Indeed, Wikipedia and Urban Dictionary already include references to the Waldos. The bigger question: How did 420 spread from a circle of California stoners across the globe?
As fortune would have it, the collapse of San Francisco’s hippie utopia in the late ‘60s set the stage. As speed freaks, thugs and con artists took over The Haight, the Grateful Dead picked up and moved to the Marin County hills - just blocks from San Rafael High School.
“Marin Country was kind of ground zero for the counter culture,” says Steve.
The Waldos had more than just a geographic connection to the Dead. Mark Waldo’s father took care of real estate for the Dead. And Waldo Dave’s older brother, Patrick, managed a Dead sideband and was good friends with bassist Phil Lesh. Patrick tells the Huffington Post that he smoked with Lesh on numerous occasions. He couldn’t recall if he used the term 420 around him, but guessed that he must have.
The Dead, recalls Waldo Dave Reddix, “had this rehearsal hall on Front Street, San Rafael, California, and they used to practice there. So we used to go hang out and listen to them play music and get high while they’re practicing for gigs. But I think it’s possible my brother Patrick might have spread it through Phil Lesh. And me, too, because I was hanging out with Lesh and his band [as a roadie] when they were doing a summer tour my brother was managing.”
The bands that Patrick managed for Lesh were called Too Loose To Truck and the Seastones; they featured not only Lesh but rock legend David Crosby and acclaimed guitarist Terry Haggerty.
The Waldos also had open access to Dead parties and rehearsals. “We’d go with [Mark’s] dad, who was a hip dad from the ‘60s,” says Steve. “There was a place called Winterland and we’d always be backstage running around or onstage and, of course, we’re using those phrases. When somebody passes a joint or something, ‘Hey, 420.’ So it started spreading through that community.”
Lesh, walking off the stage after a recent concert, confirmed that Patrick is a friend and said he “wouldn’t be surprised” if the Waldos had coined 420. He wasn’t sure, he said, when the first time he heard it was. “I do not remember. I’m very sorry. I wish I could help,” he said.
As the Grateful Dead toured the globe through the ‘70s and ‘80s, playing hundreds of shows a year - the term spread though the Dead underground. Once High Times got hip to it, the magazine helped take it global.
“I started incorporating it into everything we were doing,” High Times editor Steve Hager told the Huffington Post. “I started doing all these big events - the World Hemp Expo Extravaganza and the Cannabis Cup - and we built everything around 420. The publicity that High Times gave it is what made it an international thing. Until then, it was relatively confined to the Grateful Dead subculture. But we blew it out into an international phenomenon.”
The Waldos say that within a few years the term had spread throughout San Rafael and was cropping up elsewhere in the state. By the early ‘90s, it had penetrated deep enough that Dave and Steve started hearing people use it in unexpected places - Ohio, Florida, Canada - and spotted it painted on signs and etched into park benches.
dead & company nEW yEAR 2016
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