Latin Letter ḁ
A to Alpha
Our site in China: translation : letterA.com
by Uncle John
"What I want to know
Where does the time go?"
(Robert Hunter/Jerry Garcia)
Time is the space between two eternities. Now, when and then, as long as, continually, momentous, indefinite, seasons, rhythmic signature are all elements of time. At this set time, from here now and on, according to the time of life, in the same time, of daily chronicles, moving forward, measured in breath, in the year of our Lord, the yardstick of modern time, passing time, long lasting time, space and time, plant and harvest time, a time to every purpose and a special time we know not of. These are times of destiny, measured and arranged and weighed in the balance, to be in time and beyond it. To be timely, just at the right time, all in good time, now on time. Moving with time, as beats in a bar, to be in the moment to moment, to be here now.
We live in the green zone, red times and blue time, black and white a colorful time, with a touch of grey tempo. The fruit of our labor is a gift. When we look in that perspective, glance onward and upward, we see the harvest unfolding within time.
We know different minds observe and consider the same facts with different perceptions and disposition and tone, and as we reflect on the patterns of diversity that compose the web of life, we treasure that our faculties are many, our experiences are varied. As we look at the mystery and meaning of life, we find purpose, beauty to admire, work to do, good times to participate in.
A thousand years from now the earth will be here and they'll be listening to the eternal Grateful Dead. Out of the ashes of the time of the Grateful Dead is their legacy of music that are like old grapes come further so we can taste the best wine. Decades will become centuries and turn into the millennium, but here and now we gather in our minds and hearts and listen with ear phones to enjoy this further transition, a space between eternity, a timeless place, "when there was no dream of mine" and time created when "You dreamed of me" and now we are here and here we are now from then to when there will be timeless eternity again, where the Grateful Dead with the eyes of the world to see destiny, immortality, here there after eternity.e.