UNCLE JOHN'S Study Bible


Rebekah got married

& had a favorite son

The twins she carried

with a different identity for each one

Jacob grew up to get married

You see him working at the well

For the babe his love carries

Love deep as his well




Before God changed Jacob´s name to Israel

Jacob´s courtship built the house imperial


Jacob flees from his brother

Esau´s rancor

To his Uncle Laban´s place

To find his domestic anchor

Jacob sees a well in the field

Behold there are three flocks of sheep

He looks at Rachel then he says Look

It is still high day as written in the Book

Rachel is a shepherdess radiant and unique

Jacob rolls away the stone to water and feed the sheep

Jacob fearlessly kisses his cousin

Lifting his voice to weep

Jacob loves Rachel

But Leah´s delicate eyes are on him while he sleeps


Rachel is gracious

She does not argue

She is calm in the storm and true

A light to Israel

In the circumstance from which they grew


Jacob is devoted to Rachel

They are true friends

Jacob serves seven years of labor to marry Rachel

Now his days are fulfilled

The courtship transforms at a feast

Where he is deceived

He takes a hand in marriage and Leah´s he receives

Jacob acquires a bargain he deserves

And seven more years for Rachel he serves

This lifestyle led to jealousy envy and strife

The romance of love spoiled led to rivalry to be his wife

Jacob and Rachel have something in common

Living together in the house of Laban

Their courtship teaches them how love waits

Israel forms the tribes of the great pearl gates


Leah and her sister Rachel

Built the house of Israel

Leah and her sister Rachel

Built the house of Israel

Leah takes to heart her love for children to keep

Rachel´s unruffled considerate blameless

 As her sister is deep


Israel´s a poet of visions and dreams

Of angels ascending and descending

Of living streams

Rachel is like the inland lake a calm sea

Patient not making waves full of life and liberty

The fruit of their love lasts in a strong relationship

They cherish rich appreciation because of the courtship

Jesus loved company.
It was the prostitutes and the players, the people of the street, the humble ones that surrounded Jesus.

Mary Magdalene, a beautiful, vain and lustful young woman, freed from her demons by Jesus, became a close friend of Jesus. Mary lay at the feet of Jesus at home listening to him.

Mary Magdalene had such a special relationship with Jesus
She is the one who could hold on to him
She was the first one he appeared with and spoke to
When he rose from the dead

Mary was crying
She was standing outside the grave where the dead Jesus lay
When she looked in the grave she saw two angels.
And without a corpse
They Asked
"Woman, why are you crying?"
"They have taken my Lord and I don't know where he is"
She turned around and saw Jesus standing there.
But she didn't recognize him
"Lord," she said, "do you know where they took my love? Tell me and I'll catch him."
Jesus told her
"Mary" and instantly she recognized him
She turned around and shouted
Calling her name moves her heart with such a joyful feeling
Jesus told her
“Do not hold on to me now, because I have not yet returned to the Father.

 Instead, go with my brothers and tell them

You have seen me

He is alive, with a mission to accomplish."


Part 1


Samson, the strongest man to ever have lived on Earth, became a Judge in Israel for twenty years, but Gaza was controlled by the Philistines. One day Samson went to Gaza where he saw a prostitute. He went in to spend the night with her. When the people were told "Samson is here!" they surrounded the place and layed in wait all night long at the city gate, and planned to kill him at dawn. But he escaped at midnight and took hold of the doors of the locked city gate, together with the two posts, tore them loose and lifted them to his shoulders, and carried them to the top of the hill.


Philip & the Ethiopian Meet on the Desert Road in Gaza


In the Bible, in Acts 8, there is a story about Philip, commanded by the angel of the Lord, to go south to the road - the desert road from Jerusalem  to Gaza, where he meets an Ethiopian who was in charge of the treasury of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. This man was coming from Jerusalem where he had gone to worship, and on his way home sitting in his chariot, he was reading from the Testament, the prophet Isaiah, Chapter 53, but he did not understand it.

"He was oppressed and afflicted,

led like a lamb to the slaughter,

and as a sheep before the shearer is silent,

so he did not open his mouth..."

The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.” The African had an eagerness for truth and invites Philip to come up and sit with him. “The Ethiopian asks, “tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?” Philip tells him the good news about Jesus, saying he fulfills the prophecy of this Scripture on the cross, to see our salvation. No greater grace there is than his love. The African is spiritually receptive, with a hunger in his heart to be baptized. They come upon water, and acknowledging the Divinity of God, with his whole heart believing, Philip baptizes him as they are both dunked into the water. The African comes up alone and goes down the road rejoicing. Philip comes up caught in the Spirit of the Lord, and finds himself in Azotus, about 25 miles away. He's here then suddenly there. Rapture speed, faster than motion in love.

A Child Shall Guide Them

A child shall guide them
There is light at the end of the tunnel
To love a child who is kind
A miracle to find
Heaven in my mind
A kingdom where a child shall guide them
The spirit of all goodness in him
Light like stars in the sky that shine
A child shall guide them

They come to a stable
To find a child to guide them
Some say it is the moving star
Some say it is angels
Some say it is supernatural from afar
He is a child born for all nations
To bring everyone to the good news
To give hope in a difficult and dark time

We are approaching the day
When the wolf and the lamb play
Where cows and lions roam together
A child shall guide them

There is light at the end of the tunnel
To love a child who is kind
A miracle to find
Heaven in my mind
A kingdom where a child shall guide them
The spirit of all goodness in him
Light like stars in the sky that shine
A child shall guide them


Inspirado por la Biblia que enriquece nuestro corazón

 y satisface nuestra alma

Escrito por Uncle John

Redactor: Tania Carrasco

Poema bíblico


Dios nos dio los diez mandamientos y lo llama Ley
A la gente de este planeta en el tiempo transcurrido desde la caída
Y las cenizas en el barro negro serán rastrilladas
Para que podamos beber de la fuente de la copa de oro de la vida

Dios dijo ante todo honrar a Dios
Ante él no hay mayor fama
Segundo honra su nombre
Tercera solicitud de un día libre
Y para tu padre y tu madre haz tu mejor esfuerzo
No depende de ti juzgar si son buenos o malos
Dios dice que es crucial que respetes a mamá y a papá

Dios entonces dijo que no robara
La vida de otras personas
Esposas de otras personas
Cosas de otras personas
Dios dijo: basta de mentiras
No codicies la codicia en tu corazón
No pienses en perder el tiempo, no dejes que empiece

¿Puedes oír lo que está diciendo?
"Gente, les advierto que no se entrometa
En sus vida matrimonial
No te metas con esta joya
¿O pagarás un precio?
Gente te advierto
No interfieras en sus vida matrimonial "

No se pierda la palabra de Dios como advertencia
Te juzgará
Te pide que guardes estos mandamientos
El amor y la honestidad son todo lo que te pide

Dios nos dio los diez mandamientos y lo llama Ley
Para la gente de este planeta en el tiempo transcurrido desde la caída
Y las cenizas en el barro negro serán rastrilladas
Para que podamos beber de la fuente de la copa de oro de la vida

Un Niño Los Guiará

Él es ligero al final del túnel
De amar a un niño que es amable
Un milagro para encontrar
El cielo en mi mente
Un reino donde un niño los guiará
El espíritu de toda bondad en él
Luz como estrellas en el cielo que brillan
Un niño los guiará

Vienen a un establo
Para encontrar un niño que los guíe
Algunos dicen que fue la estrella en movimiento
Algunos dicen que fueron los ángeles
Algunos dicen que fue sobrenatural desde lejos
Fue un niño nacido para todas las naciones
Para llevar a todos a las buenas noticias
Para dar esperanza en un tiempo difícil y oscuro

Nos acercamos al dia
Cuando el lobo y el cordero juegan
Donde las vacas y los leones deambulan juntos
Un niño guiará ellos

Él es ligero al final del túnel
De amar a un niño que es amable
Un milagro para encontrar
El cielo en mi mente
Un reino donde un niño los guiará
El espíritu de toda bondad en él
Luz como estrellas en el cielo que brillan
Un niño los guiará

King Solomon

"There was never a king like Solomon

Not since the world began

Yet Solomon talked to a butterfly

As a man would talk to a man"

--Rudyard Kipling

King Solomon, son of David and Bathsheba, lived in a palace of gold. He had the power to move nations. He had great wealth, good health, unbelievable abundance, riches and fame, but these were not the things Solomon sought the most. He wanted wisdom and understanding, and God grants his wish and his mind is transformed with knowledge, common compassion and sense, spiritual insight, a keen mind, heart to God, and in tune with all of nature. He is calm in the sight of bees, learned to build with trees, watches the caterpillar change and approaches the butterfly with "Thank you" and "Please!", and sets his sights on the birds' flight and stars at night.

Uncle John graduated with high honors from Christian Life International Bible College, Novato, California