"A good way to invent the future is to predict it."
--John Perry Barlow
Projects & websites
Next Internet:
The Cryptographic Key that secures the web has just been changed (2016) for the first time.
The Internet Reinvention Project
Connecting to
Exploring Networks of the Future
Site Resource Locator
Interstarnet, LLC
NASA will launch next space telescope 2021
Our website is under construction
More information coming soon:
Under Construction
comInterstellar site
In Development:
Poetry & Songs by, about, and for children
In English & En Espaņol
Poetry For Children Storybook
by Uncle John
Editor: Tania Carrasco
Musical Play
Playwright: Uncle John
Spanish Editor: Tania Carrasco
Art: Michael Waters
The Raindance family tell their story in tales, through poetry, songs, art, and dance.
Published by WorldWideInternetWeb.com